About the company

Everything from a single source. And always of the highest standard.

We at Deutsche Investment take a holistic view of real estate investments. For us, solid value creation is worth more than quick profit.

Who we are at a glance.

From fund management to facility management, we at Deutsche Investment Group offer institutional investors the entire range of real estate-related services. And for good reason. Because we firmly believe that you can only lead investors to sustainable success if you are willing to take on long-term responsibility across all levels. For investors’ capital, their own real estate portfolio and the needs of the people for whom the properties were built.

Full vertical integration Investment managers 

around 360
Team members


Comprehensive service portfolio for professional fund, asset, transaction, property and facility management and project development

Investment focus on the asset classes housing, office, health & social and local food retail

We are Deutsche Investment.
And that’s what we are about.

360° real estate expertise

We have unique 360° expertise on the German market in the residential, office, health & social and local retail asset classes. For our investors, this means that with us as a partner at their side, they benefit from a comprehensive and reliable end-to-end approach. Everything from a single source.

More about our investment management

Shareholder background

We only offer investors products that we ourselves are convinced of. So convinced that our shareholders invest themselves. This enables us to stockpile strategic properties (warehousing) and act as a co-investor

Market access

Thanks to our direct market access, our team of specialists achieves a high investment speed. Our in-depth knowledge - coupled with our experience in this field - also enables us to realistically assess risks and potential returns. One reason why our investors trust us.


Once a property is in our portfolio, we continuously develop it further. In this way, we not only ensure its long-term preservation, but also increase its value and prospects for success. After all, every property is only what you make of it.

We offer comprehensive expertise.
For a demanding target group.

We are convinced that specialization leads to top results. That’s why we focus our investment solutions on the investor groups of banks/savings banks, insurance companies, pension funds, family offices and foundations. They appreciate our complete understanding of their needs. We meet your requirements with our comprehensive reporting, professional risk management and ongoing consulting, always on an equal footing.

3.2 bn.
Assets under Management (in EUR)
  • 478
    Objects in the fund
  • 13.845
    Residential and commercial units
  • 300.480 sqm
    Commercial units by area

Success comes when we work as a team.
Under competent leadership.

Together with its teams of specialists, our management provides a knowledge base for Deutsche Investment and is responsible for the success of our investors and our company.

[Translate to English:]
Board Member
Deutsche Investment Kapitalverwaltung AG
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Board Member
Deutsche Investment Kapitalverwaltung AG
Board Member
Deutsche Investment Kapitalverwaltung AG
[Translate to English:]
Managing Partner
DIR Deutsche Investment Retail GmbH
[Translate to English:]
Chairman of the Management Board
DIH Deutsche Investment Holding GmbH
[Translate to English:]
Managing Director
DIH German Investment Holding GmbH
Managing Director
DIH Deutsche Investment Holding GmbH
View the entire management

Milestones in our company history.
The foundation for a successful future.


The foundation is laid

Establishment of EB GROUP Holding as the predecessor to today’s DIH Deutsche Investment Holding.


Expansion of the range of services

The Property Management department creates a new range of services for investors.


Another department is set up

Henceforth the Facility Management team is responsible for preserving the value of our real estate portfolio.


Expansion of 360° competence

Specialists in financing are now available to investors for professional advice.


On track for growth

Takeover of Deutsche Investment Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft and change of company name.


Founding of DIR

With DIR Deutsche Investment Retail, a specialist in the local food retail asset class is launched.



Deutsche Investment Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH becomes Deutsche Investment Kapitalverwaltung AG.


New location Leipzig

From our location in Leipzig, together with Dresden, we manage our AuM in Central Germany.



Founding of Deutsche Investment Management

With the establishment of Deutsche Investment Management, we are expanding our property asset classes to include "health & social", adding value add to the risk classes and also enabling investments in renewable energies. 



Implementation of a vision for the future

Fulfillment of our “Excellence 2025” strategy for more growth, optimization and further development of the Deutsche Investment Group.

Our memberships.
A benefit to our investors and ourselves.

The Zentrale Immobilien Ausschuss e.V. (ZIA - Central Real Estate Committee) is the umbrella association of the real estate industry. With its members, including 30 associations, it represents the entire industry along the value chain. The ZIA offers the real estate industry in all its diversity a comprehensive and uniform representation of interests that corresponds to its importance for the national economy. As an association of entrepreneurs and associations, it gives the entire real estate industry a voice at national and European level – and in the Federation of German Industries (BDI).

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A responsible approach to the capital and interests of our investors is a matter of course for us. As a member of the BVI (German Professional Association of Real Estate Managers), we follow its code of conduct. As a German fund association, the BVI represents the interests of the fund industry in relation to politicians, supervisory authorities and international institutions.

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Through its code of conduct, the GCSP as the only nationwide interest group has led the way in developing a set of guidelines for the retail and commercial real estate industry that regulates fair dealings between landlords and tenants. For us, too, a cooperative partnership comes ahead of making a profit. A fact that we support through our membership of the GCSP.

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As an investment manager with 360° real estate expertise, our aim is to develop ourselves and what we do at all times. Through our membership, we support the work of the Gesellschaft für immobilienwirtschaftliche Forschung (Society for Real Estate Research) – gif for short – which, as an interdisciplinary research network, deals with important issues related to the real estate industry and advocates greater market transparency.

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We have joined forces with around 40 other well-known real estate portfolio holders in the ESG Circle of Real Estate. Our common goal is to develop and establish a reliable and marketable ESG scoring model for measuring the sustainability performance of real estate and portfolios.

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Identifying and using trends and developments at an early stage – an important building block in our day-to-day business. As a member, we support the academic research work of the EHI Retail Institute into the retail, consumer and capital goods industry and rely on the results of their studies to evaluate future investment options.

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